The 48th Annual Symposium Holistic Dental Association
April 3-5, 2025
Meeting Hours: from 8AM to 5PM
Hilton Rosemont Chicago/O’Hare
5550 North River Road, Rosemont, IL 60018
Thursday, April 3rd Workshops
Choose ONE All-Day 8AM to 5PM Workshop - or - Choose ONE Morning and ONE Afternoon Workshop
New Trends in PRF and Exosome Therapy
Richard Miron DDS, BMSC, MSc, PhD
This hands-on course will cover all the new advancements made with respect to the newest formulations of platelet concentrates. These will cover how to make custom-shaped PRF grafts, how to better concentrate liquid-PRF and will provide a better understanding for optimization of the protocols utilized in every day dental practice.
Thereafter, the Bio-Heat technology will be presented. This will cover the heating steps necessary to extend the working properties of PRF from a fast-resorbing 2-3 week membrane towards a membrane that lasts 4-6 months. Various protocols will be demonstrated whereby clinicians will learn how to make an extended-PRF membrane that lasts 4-6 months, as well as how to make a novel sticky bone that contains an outer e-PRF membrane that may be utilized for ridge augmentation procedures.
Objectives of the Workshop:
- Optimization of protocols for any centrifugation device
- Update on Bio-Heat technology and the ability to extend the working properties of PRF from 2-3 weeks to 4-6 months
- Improve cell and growth factor release using concentrated-PRF (C-PRF) protocols when compared to traditional injectable-PRF (i-PRF) on any centrifugation device
- Launch of the Bio-Cool technology
- Importance of PRF tubes for the fabrication of PRF
- Understanding of exosome and their therapeutic benefits in regenerative medicine and dentistry
- Coupon code for Free access to an online 8CE program at
- OR -
Integrative Biologic Dentistry: A paradigm for successful outcomes, the basis for OZONE
Philip Mollica MS, DMD, MIAOMT, NMD
This presentation will introduce a new paradigm in biologic dentistry. Biologic dentistry is a general term without a clear framework for a dental delivery system. The discussion will describe Integrative Biologic Dental Medicine as a sound coherent model in which to practice dentistry. Integration of the model opens the door to utilize many treatment modalities such as homeopathy, herbal medicine, muscle testing, neural therapy, and ozone for examples. Once now understood specific modalities of treatment will be introduced. What and how to support the detoxification process of our patients after treatment. Basics of dentalzone, prolozone, with infusion techniques.
Objectives of the presentation:
- Describe Integrative Biologic Dental Medicine as a model of delivery.
- Describe the foundation for biologic medicine and dentistry
- Concepts in treatment planning of the biologic patient.
- What is detoxification of the human body and how it applies to dentistry.
- Integration of ozone in biologic dentistry.
- Head and neck infusion techniques, neural therapy and prolozone.
Holistic Dentistry 101
Bernice Teplitsky DDS
In this course, participants will learn what exactly is “Holistic Dentistry”. It will help dentists and dental staff understand what holistic patients are looking for and talking about when they call your office. It’ll teach what a dental office needs to know and have on hand to practice “Holistic Dentistry”. The course is for both new and seasoned dentists figuring out where to start on their journey in becoming a holistic dentist or to help expand an existing practice. It is a great course for new auxiliary staff so they can better understand a holistic dental practice, philosophy and procedures. This is a comprehensive overview, introducing practically all “holistic” modalities in dentistry. Please note that many more courses will be required to get an in depth understanding of each of these modalities that are presented. Come ready to learn and ready to jump into the rabbit hole. It’s really hard to look back after all the knowledge you gain in this class. Are you ready?
Objectives of the presentation:
- To give a brief overview of the multiple disciplines that constitutes Holistic Dentistry.
- After the lecture, the participant will be able to do the following:
- Gain a deeper understanding of Holistic Dentistry
- Understand that there are many “arms” to Holistic Dentistry
- Have a general understanding of each of these “arms” and be able to speak to patients about them.
- Know what holistic patients are talking about and what they’re looking for at your office
- Understand what technology and other products are needed and where to buy them.
- Have a better understanding regarding a next step in your journey in Holistic Dentistry.
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Auriculoacupuncture & Acupressure for Dentists
Sina Smith MS, MA, LAc, MD
Acupuncture has been practiced in China and other Asian countries for over 2,000 years. It can be performed at nodes along meridians, connecting the body like a highway map, or it can be performed using microsystems such as the scalp, hand, or ear.
Auricular acupuncture as a microsystem demonstrates solid clinical efficacy and is functionally handy for use by a dentist. The dental chair is already positioned right at the patient’s ear, and performing acupuncture or acupressure using this system does not require the patient to disrobe or change their position.
Auricular therapy can be performed using small needles, retained needles, or small pellets/seeds attached to the patient’s ear by an adhesive covering.
In this course, the practitioner will learn the fundamentals of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine theory, the principles of constructing a basic treatment for common dental complaints (pain, anxiety, gag reflex, etc.), and the placement of acupuncture needles or acupressure pellets/seeds in the optimal locations. Each student will practice first on an ear model and then on fellow classmates.
The class size is limited to 20 participants to provide optimal interaction and hands-on feedback.
Objectives of the presentation:
At the end of this course the participant will be able to:
- Define and group the 12 primary organ systems and some of their correspondences into Five Element Theory categories
- Categorize common dental complaints into Five Element Theory principles and apply those principles in creating a treatment plan points prescription
- Identify auricular anatomy and architecture relevant to auricular acupuncture
- Examine a patient’s external ear
- Hold an acupuncture needle correctly and place it in a patient’s ear
- Hold an acupressure seed or retention needle correctly and place it in a patient’s ear
- Find appropriate points for a formulated auricular acupuncture plan for common dental complaints
A strong Dentist/Hygienist relationship in treating Perio/Myo/Ortho
- Description Coming Soon
- OR -
Clinical Nutrition: Silver Bullets
James M Kennedy DDS
This presentation will be informative to both the experienced doctor and doctors new to nutrition. The lecture will highlight key dietary, physiology and nutritional principles that will guide the doctor in recommending nutritional supplements in their practice. The importance of basic dietary changes that need to be made first, before providing nutritional support for the patient. Digestion and absorption of food will be emphasized so the body can utilize the nutritional products recommended.
Physical signs and symptoms that correlate with nutritional deficiencies – asking the right questions will be covered. Testing for the correct products will be explained. These tests will include at home tests, blood chemistry evaluation and online ordering of tests. Applied Kinesiology testing will be demonstrated.
Where to obtain quality nutritional supplements that will work for your patients. All supplements are not the same.
Objectives of this presentation:
- Educating the doctor, hygienist or assistant to become more comfortable with asking patients questions about their diet and health symptoms.
- Having answers to patients’ questions about their health symptoms. We often see patients more often than their PCP.
- Being able to identify health issues and refer patients to the appropriate health care provider to help in treating their symptoms
- Understand how nutrition can complement the practice of dentistry and help improve outcomes. Knowing what supplements to recommend.
- Provide information on where to obtain testing and providing quality nutritional products for your patients.
Friday, April 4th Speakers
Exosomes, PRF, and the Future of Regenerative Medicine/Dentistry
Richard Miron DDS, BMSC, MSc, PhD
Quantum Human Biology
Philip Mollica MS, DMD, MIAOMT
Basics of EAV Electro Acupuncture According To Voll
Dawn Ewing PhD
Dawn Ewing PhD
And More!
Friday Exhibitors Evening & Refreshments
Saturday, April 5th Speakers
Integrative Approach, Team Collaboration, Diagnosis, and Surgical Treatment of Tethered Oral Tissues
Milton Geivelis DDS
Stabilizing the Airway: Physical Therapy, Uplock maneuver and Breathing Training
Jenny Hobson PT, DPT, MTC, CFC, CMTPT
Pain relief/correction of postural distortion and SPG Blocks and the Autonomic nervous system
Ira Shapira DDS
Nutritional Pearls for the Dental Office
James M Kennedy DDS
Root Canal Therapy Update
Valerie Kanter DMD