[box type=”info” style=”” color=”rgb(252, 250, 217)”]For additional information please contact:
Executive Director Roberta Glasser at (305) 356-7338 or by email at director@holisticdental.org

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About Us

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Since 1978, the Holistic Dental Association has been providing support and guidance to practitioners of holistic and alternative dentistry, as well as informing the public of the benefits of holistic dentistry for their health and wellbeing. Our purpose is to provide information and guidance to those persons seeking to participate in their own health care and to help in the continuing education of practitioners who have a desire to expand their knowledge and awareness.

Learn More

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Find a Holistic Dentist

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The Holistic Dental Association is pleased to offer visitors a searchable database of our membership. Since our database is limited to members only, you may need to broaden your search criteria to produce the best results.
Find A Holistic Dentist

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Join the HDA

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Joining the Holistic Dental Association is easy! Simply click the Online Application button below and you will be directed to our online sign-up form. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at:

(305) 356-7338
HDA Director

To start filling out your Holistic Dental Application please click below.

Online Application


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